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Details for the NAGA Triennial Meeting

He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”). (John 20:15-19)

These are a few of the verses that were read from the Gospel on Easter Sunday this Spring. What a powerful moment it was when Jesus spoke Mary’s name. Our names are a big part of what makes us the person we are. Our name identifies us apart from all others. Some of us have names that have been handed down from one generation to another. Some have nicknames bestowed by family and friends. The spelling of my name has caused many interesting pronunciations. However, when God speaks our name, it is our given name and pronounced correctly. He knows us. He knows our heart, and he knows our name. He calls us directly by name to bless us. We are called with the same love that Jesus used when he called Mary by name. She was beloved by Jesus, and so are we.

Have you heard God call you by name, inviting you into a grace-filled connection with him?

Highlights from Epistle

Altar Guild, Then and Now

As we gain more and more ways to “save” time we are tempted, and often do, involve ourselves in more time-consuming activities. We seem to have lost time to just be with one another…

Holy Hands

Old and craggy, enormous, delicate or just ordinary, our hands are meant to be full with the gift of the love of God….


Connect with NAGA

Seeking NAGA Representative for Province IX (Central & South America). For more information, contact Marcia Himes.

Contribute to a History of NAGA: In 2006 Barbara Gent researched and wrote a book spanning 73 years of NAGA’s history. Now, a second volume of NAGA history and the future of altar guild is in its infancy. We welcome any suggestions for inclusion in this work. Click here to read more.

Disaster Communion Kits. Should fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake or epidemic leave your parish unable to host Eucharist, NAGA will provide a free Disaster Communion Kit. If you need a kit, please contact Joan Konecny (or 936-870-5781). Click here for a video on how to assemble them.

Order your Epistle in living color. Members can receive their Epistle by email. Just send your e-mail address to The Rev. Larry Byrne.

Share your insights with others. We are happy to share your altar guild newsletter on our website. Please send a PDF of the current issue to our webmaster Betty Hinchman.

Who’s Who? Who are your current Provincial and Diocesan Altar Guild Directors? Please send current contact information to The Rev. Larry Byrne or Marcia Himes.