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Browsing all articles tagged with community

Being a postulant and seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary is an incredible journey that integrates study, formation, and practical experience, shaping my understanding of ordained ministry as an embodiment of the sacraments[…]

In a classic TED Talk, Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast explains that it’s not that happiness makes us grateful, it’s that gratitude makes us happy[…]

What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches[…]

I asked Bishop Rob O’Neil to lead a retreat for those in the ordination process. During his time with us, he said something that I have been praying over ever since. He said, “Community is excruciating”[…]

This summer I plan to begin a research/writing project on the spiritual dimensions of generativity….generative persons are those who find meaning and joy in the thriving of others[…]

It is a surprise to many people— to learn that the Episcopal Church is present in Europe. But more impressive than the size of our space is the range and diversity of the cultures that make up the congregations […]

NAGA board members and spouses began to gather in Louisville, Kentucky, on June 20 to begin the process of unpacking and setting up the Sacristy at the Convention Center and for the NAGA Triennial meeting […]

As we gain more and more ways to “save” time we are tempted, and often do, involve ourselves in more time-consuming activities […]

Our Triennial Meeting includes a number of workshops and excursions […]

In the days we had together, the ladies learned to assemble an embroidery frame and start the first motif in the Guild’s instructional book. We continue to meet monthly […]

I was caught off guard when I joined the team as to how spiritual it is to serve on the Flower Guild […]

Earlier this year I asked my staff to take some time and consider the question, “What does it take to make church?” […]

A coincidence might seem random…I think a coincidence is a God Wink — a sign of hope placed along your path to let you know that God is thinking of you […]

I come from a long line of pastors, mostly Presbyterian with an occasional Episcopalian to leaven the loaf. My maternal grandmother was given a recipe for communion bread […]

“People go to church to refocus. Focus on God. What you do for God matters. The altar guild helps us to refocus […]

“For it is better to suffer for doing good if suffering should be God’s will than to suffer for doing evil.” Could suffering ever be God’s will? […]

Toward the end of The House at Pooh Corner Christopher Robin tells Pooh that what he likes doing best is “nothing.” Most of us don’t have the time to do just nothing as we might have done as children. Perhaps, though we should make the time to do it […]

Having grown up in the Episcopal Church, I have a very early awareness of the significant role altar guilds have in the life of many congregations […]

It is very clear that the realities of the COVID pandemic have radically upset the regular patterns of life in the church as we have known them. While we are no way near the end of the pandemic, it is good to ponder what the Body of Christ might look like in the “new missional age” post pandemic […]

We are a community of the altar guild; we are also a community of the Episcopal Church; and we are a community of the Christian faith. More importantly we are part of the Beloved Community. What is the Beloved Community? […]

Both Debie and Dan thanked the altar guild for the work it does. Debie lovingly referred to it as the work of cultivating mystery, beauty, wonder, reverence, artistry and grace […]

We are delighted to present our 2021 NAGA program for July 7, and hope you will be pleased with what has been planned for you […]

It has been such a pleasure to represent you and our legacy of the National Altar Guild Association these last three years […]

If I asked you to describe the sacrament of baptism, what adjectives would you choose[…]

In 2006 Barbara Gent researched and wrote a book spanning 73 years of NAGA’s history. Now, a second volume of NAGA history and the future of altar guild is in its infancy [..]

Information on upcoming altar guild meetings around the country […]

You don’t expect it to happen at “Gentle Yoga,” of all places. But the other day, as I was standing in line at the YMCA waiting for another class to end […]

I remember being about nine or ten before I could go with my mother to help with her altar guild duties at Christ the King Episcopal Church in Orlando, FL. I had asked, or rather begged, so many times, always receiving the same answer: “When you are older” […]

My parishioner, Ed, was an electrical engineer. During World War II he worked on a highly secret project involving long-wave radio technology. Later he learned the purpose of the technology he’d helped to perfect […]

It was with great anticipation and a bit of anxiety that I arrived in Austin Friday morning to attend my first Episcopal Convention. Within an hour of my arrival […]

Demi was listed on our schedule as the “keynote speaker” for the meeting, but her presentation was much more than just a speech. She spent several hours with us […]

When you look at an oyster, would you ever imagine something as beautiful as a pearl could dwell within? That’s how I feel about the painted churches […]

We are commanded to walk in love. If you had attended the Diocese of Virginia Altar Guild Swap Meet, you would have seen love in action […]

Just as spring arrived in Alabama, the NAGA board convened at Camp McDowell for its annual board meeting on March 17-19. Committee and Provincial reports focused on the health of the organization[…]

A form of servant ministry that is a good fit with Maundy Thursday worship is the washing and drying of dirty clothes. “Laundry Love,” a ministry begun in an Episcopal congregation in Ventura, CA […]

The Episcopal Asset Map is a website that highlights the many ways Episcopalians are living Christ’s love in our communities and in the world […]

Recently I was asked “Do you still do needlepoint?” The next question was “Why?” This started me thinking — why, indeed, do I still do canvaswork when I now am a senior citizen with the usual arthritic aches and pains, especially in my hands […]

While each diocese will have its own particular ideas and needs, our guidelines offer a place to begin. Embrace your DAG with enthusiasm knowing that the Lord himself will guide you along the way […]

Questions are often asked regarding the need for or purpose of a diocesan altar guild. You will be surprised how many resources you can provide […]

The spirit in which your altar guild lives ripples out to affect the feel of the whole congregation […]

While it may seem surprising that our church is thriving in a country where religion has been suppressed, there are 44 Episcopal churches across Cuba, from the Cathedral in Havana to simple house churches with five to six people[…]

You are the preparers and keepers and transmitters of some of the coolest stuff we have in The Episcopal Church […]

My greatest joy serving in the office and role of bishop is to bring children deeper into our worship. What I find, more often than not, is they will teach me, long before I can teach them […]

When you get pushed up against life’s wall, it doesn’t much matter whether you eat meat on Friday, can recite the Apostles Creed, or worry about the theological differences around Holy Communion […]

Most altar guilds share the problems of recruiting, training and retaining members and are increasingly venturing beyond their sacristies to bring the altar guild ministry into the congregation […]

It was a privilege, and a pleasure, to speak with members of the National Altar Guild during General Convention and to share a few things about my favorite, and possibly the most under-rated, character in the New Testament […]

The recruitment and retention of new altar guild members is always a challenge. We are pleased to offer some suggestions, thanks to Province VII, that may prove helpful […]

As I have made my way around small sacristies over the past ten years, they have come to symbolize the importance of respecting one another and our differences by graciously making space for one another […]

We are pleased to offer links to websites of particular interest to altar guilds […]