A Manual For Altar Guilds by The Rev. Robert Picken is a wonderfully funny and in-depth look at what it really means to be a “minister of the altar guild”[…]
A Manual For Altar Guilds by The Rev. Robert Picken is a wonderfully funny and in-depth look at what it really means to be a “minister of the altar guild”[…]
NAGA board members and spouses began to gather in Louisville, Kentucky, on June 20 to begin the process of unpacking and setting up the Sacristy at the Convention Center and for the NAGA Triennial meeting […]
Our Triennial Meeting includes a number of workshops and excursions […]
Nominations are open for Offices for the Triennial years 2024-2027 […]
Every three years, the National Altar Guild Association (NAGA) offers scholarships to pay the registration fee and a shared hotel room for altar guild members to attend the NAGA General Meeting […]
We are pleased to share newsletters from altar guilds around the country […]
On May 24, 2023, J. Wippell & Co., Ltd. announced it will be closing its doors at year end, after 234 years in business […]
A book written for real people with language easy to follow, Sydnor says, “by understanding the delicate balance between the need for change and the preservation of what is timeless … Episcopalians will find anew the common ground of common prayer which is our legacy, our inspiration, and our joy” […]
A coincidence might seem random…I think a coincidence is a God Wink — a sign of hope placed along your path to let you know that God is thinking of you […]
Elected via a Zoom Triennial meeting in the summer of 2021, the NAGA board recently met face-to-face for the first time at the Franciscan Retreats and Spirituality Center, in Prior Lake, Minnesota […]
Just a few weeks before the beginning of General Convention, NAGA was asked to help with Eucharist services for the House of Bishops and House of Deputies. NAGA went into scramble mode to obtain items needed for the Eucharist stations […]
This story begins with gratitude. St. Mary of the Angels was blessed with a vibrant and dedicated altar guild for many decades. The last five years we gradually experienced a loss of membership […]
If there’s one thing that 2020 and 2021 have taught us, it is that we are not doing things “as usual.” From Zoom meetings and YouTube services to serving the Eucharist in a safe and secure manner, from practicing social distancing to wearing gloves and masks[…]
We are a community of the altar guild; we are also a community of the Episcopal Church; and we are a community of the Christian faith. More importantly we are part of the Beloved Community. What is the Beloved Community? […]
Does your sacristy wall have a mysterious dent in it about five or six feet from the floor? Many do. Those mysterious dents are caused by the heads of rectors who have just heard yet another person say, “But we’ve always done it that way!” […]
Both Debie and Dan thanked the altar guild for the work it does. Debie lovingly referred to it as the work of cultivating mystery, beauty, wonder, reverence, artistry and grace […]
Mr. Tim Maple, owner of Omega Silversmithing, Inc., gave us an informative and stimulating presentation, with questions submitted by chat […]
The NAGA nominating committee has assembled a slate of officers for your consideration […]
We are delighted to present our 2021 NAGA program for July 7, and hope you will be pleased with what has been planned for you […]
NAGA will be holding a short virtual Triennial meeting on July 7. Here is how to register […]
If I asked you to describe the sacrament of baptism, what adjectives would you choose[…]
NAGA will hold a virtual meeting on July 7, 2021. It will be a short program and we will conduct the essential business required by our Constitution and Bylaws […]
Current literature indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress levels in everyone, even those who usually cope well. Courage to Thrive is a workbook designed to help its users tackle their issues bit-by-bit {…}
In 2006 Barbara Gent researched and wrote a book spanning 73 years of NAGA’s history. Now, a second volume of NAGA history and the future of altar guild is in its infancy [..]
In a little less than a year we will be gathering — either in person or virtually — for our Triennial meeting. However we gather, we need to nominate and elect leadership for the next Triennial term […]
This year has been unlike any other in the Cathedral’s history. As the COVID-19 pandemic intensified, many aspects of Cathedral life were cancelled or postponed, one was not: worship[…]
In conjunction with General Convention, the NAGA Board has decided to suspend planning for our 2021 triennial […]
The oldest church in continuous operation in any diocese is considered the “Mother Church.” In the Diocese of Oregon, Trinity Cathedral in Portland resoundingly meets that qualification […]
The theme of our Triennial Convention is “Journeying with Jesus” and who is more appropriate for our keynote speakers than the founder and principal writer for the Journey with Jesus webzine?
Information on upcoming altar guild meetings around the country […]
The leadership of Province VIII altar guild met to develop a strategic plan to carry us forward into the new decade […]
“Heavenly Father, you have entrusted us with the vessels and adornments of your house. Of your mercy, grant that we may ever hold them in reverence and respect[…]”
Altar guild members from across the Diocese of Colorado gathered together in what was the first-in-a-very-long-time, if not the first-ever, gathering of altar guilds in this Diocese […]
When a disaster rolls in, make sure your altar guild is ready! No matter what kind of disaster looms, when it strikes, not only do you lose your personal things, so too does your parish […]
We occasionally receive requests from churches looking for items — there is a need for a one-stop resource to find items or to learn where items can be repaired — and altar guild members can be a great resource […]
It was with great anticipation and a bit of anxiety that I arrived in Austin Friday morning to attend my first Episcopal Convention. Within an hour of my arrival […]
A highlight of the 2018 Triennial was a special visit to NAGA by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Monday, July 9. At least in the memory of those in attendance, this the first time we have been so honored […]
Demi was listed on our schedule as the “keynote speaker” for the meeting, but her presentation was much more than just a speech. She spent several hours with us […]
When you look at an oyster, would you ever imagine something as beautiful as a pearl could dwell within? That’s how I feel about the painted churches […]
Just as spring arrived in Alabama, the NAGA board convened at Camp McDowell for its annual board meeting on March 17-19. Committee and Provincial reports focused on the health of the organization[…]
The lighting of candles in worship goes back over 3,000 years into the history of ancient Israel. But what can do you do with all those old candle stubs […]
The Episcopal Asset Map is a website that highlights the many ways Episcopalians are living Christ’s love in our communities and in the world […]
Who has not experienced a deep nurturing of his or her spirit by an interaction with nature, awed at the beauty or drama of lightning and thunder, and recognized the glory and power of God? Bob Flanagan shows us how nature is a teacher in our growth process […]
Once I began reading, I literally could not put the book down. It is that compelling, that beautifully written, and that important […]
Imagine how it would be to find yourself on a barge or a freighter on Christmas morning without your family and the joy of opening gifts […]
Diagnosing the human soul with a longing for peace in the face of fear and fragmentation nurtured by global political forces and fundamentalisms, Newell offers the ancient traditions of Celtic Christianity as a way forward in healing humankind and the earth […]
While it may seem surprising that our church is thriving in a country where religion has been suppressed, there are 44 Episcopal churches across Cuba, from the Cathedral in Havana to simple house churches with five to six people[…]
Archbishop Williams identifies the elements essential to Christian life, those things that make one part of a Christian community. He sees the four most obvious as Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer […]
While not a substitute for deeper study, this a wonderful book you can give to friends with confidence […]
For Flannery O’Connor, the craft of her art — good stories well told — was an end in itself and a sign of God’s grace […]