In The Practicing Congregation, Diana Butler Bass, a church historian by training, distinguishes between custom and tradition […]
In The Practicing Congregation, Diana Butler Bass, a church historian by training, distinguishes between custom and tradition […]
Does your sacristy wall have a mysterious dent in it about five or six feet from the floor? Many do. Those mysterious dents are caused by the heads of rectors who have just heard yet another person say, “But we’ve always done it that way!” […]
A hush in every sacristy, just before we leave it to begin the service. The verger runs through how we will proceed, who will administer bread and where, who will administer wine. Then all stand at attention. It is time to begin […]
Since 1995, Ron DelBene, a priest in the Diocese of Alabama, has served as interim rector in small, medium and large congregations for periods of six months to three years […]
Diagnosing the human soul with a longing for peace in the face of fear and fragmentation nurtured by global political forces and fundamentalisms, Newell offers the ancient traditions of Celtic Christianity as a way forward in healing humankind and the earth […]
While it may seem surprising that our church is thriving in a country where religion has been suppressed, there are 44 Episcopal churches across Cuba, from the Cathedral in Havana to simple house churches with five to six people[…]
While not a substitute for deeper study, this a wonderful book you can give to friends with confidence […]
You are the preparers and keepers and transmitters of some of the coolest stuff we have in The Episcopal Church […]
What is the protocol for using colored embroidery on linens? Where should the inscription go on vessels or paraments? Send us your questions and we’ll find the answers […]
Robert Sibley recalls his own camino experiences in this travel memoir…Like many pilgrims, he wanted to escape the ruts and routines of everyday life […]