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Browsing all articles tagged with eucharist

Being a postulant and seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary is an incredible journey that integrates study, formation, and practical experience, shaping my understanding of ordained ministry as an embodiment of the sacraments[…]

In a classic TED Talk, Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast explains that it’s not that happiness makes us grateful, it’s that gratitude makes us happy[…]

Their quiet, faithful work is the foundation of our worship, making it possible for the congregation to experience the beauty, reverence, and continuity of our sacred rituals. This is the altar guild — a ministry of care, faithfulness, and dedication[…]

NAGA board members and spouses began to gather in Louisville, Kentucky, on June 20 to begin the process of unpacking and setting up the Sacristy at the Convention Center and for the NAGA Triennial meeting […]

As we gain more and more ways to “save” time we are tempted, and often do, involve ourselves in more time-consuming activities […]

Our Triennial Meeting includes a number of workshops and excursions […]

Every three years, the National Altar Guild Association (NAGA) offers scholarships to pay the registration fee and a shared hotel room for altar guild members to attend the NAGA General Meeting […]

I come from a long line of pastors, mostly Presbyterian with an occasional Episcopalian to leaven the loaf. My maternal grandmother was given a recipe for communion bread […]

“People go to church to refocus. Focus on God. What you do for God matters. The altar guild helps us to refocus […]

In the new normal, healthcare facilities are making informed decisions to retain some of the visitor restrictions for their patients and our fragile parishioners continue to have limited access to Eucharist […]

Just a few weeks before the beginning of General Convention, NAGA was asked to help with Eucharist services for the House of Bishops and House of Deputies. NAGA went into scramble mode to obtain items needed for the Eucharist stations […]

On December 10, 2021, I received several emails from my NAGA board colleagues inquiring about my safety. Within a few minutes I remembered my Sacristy Shop hat and our Emergency Communion Kits […]

It is very clear that the realities of the COVID pandemic have radically upset the regular patterns of life in the church as we have known them. While we are no way near the end of the pandemic, it is good to ponder what the Body of Christ might look like in the “new missional age” post pandemic […]

If there’s one thing that 2020 and 2021 have taught us, it is that we are not doing things “as usual.” From Zoom meetings and YouTube services to serving the Eucharist in a safe and secure manner, from practicing social distancing to wearing gloves and masks[…]

I once overheard an altar guild training. The leader was reminding our new members that the same care must be taken with the linens used for the home communion taken to sick and shut-in members of the parish […]

Altar guild members from across the Diocese of Colorado gathered together in what was the first-in-a-very-long-time, if not the first-ever, gathering of altar guilds in this Diocese […]

When a disaster rolls in, make sure your altar guild is ready! No matter what kind of disaster looms, when it strikes, not only do you lose your personal things, so too does your parish […]

The altar guild is a behind-the-scenes ministry, and that can make it an unappreciated ministry. My thanks to Jane Mercer who invited me to share excerpts from my book, Celebrating the Eucharist, to highlight the importance of every altar guild’s ministry […]

It was with great anticipation and a bit of anxiety that I arrived in Austin Friday morning to attend my first Episcopal Convention. Within an hour of my arrival […]

Since 1995, Ron DelBene, a priest in the Diocese of Alabama, has served as interim rector in small, medium and large congregations for periods of six months to three years […]

Questions are often asked regarding the need for or purpose of a diocesan altar guild. You will be surprised how many resources you can provide […]

Archbishop Williams identifies the elements essential to Christian life, those things that make one part of a Christian community. He sees the four most obvious as Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer […]

When you get pushed up against life’s wall, it doesn’t much matter whether you eat meat on Friday, can recite the Apostles Creed, or worry about the theological differences around Holy Communion […]

What is the protocol for using colored embroidery on linens? Where should the inscription go on vessels or paraments? Send us your questions and we’ll find the answers […]

We talk about natural disasters and the damages they cause to churches and their sacristies. But what if the disaster is man made? No piles of storm-tossed linens, no dented or missing silver vessels, just nothing… nothing at all with which to prepare a liturgical church altar for a communion service […]

Designing flower arrangements for our altars is a very special call. But when communion is being served, the celebrant and others need room to bless and administer the sacrament without interference from the arrangements around it […]

Weddings can be the most exciting and frustrating times in the lives of couples about to be married. They can also be the most exciting and frustrating times in the lives of altar guilds, particularly if the parish doesn’t have a “wedding customary” […]

A Book of Remembrance is a meaningful way to remember a parish or diocesan loved one who has passed on and, at the same time, do some altar guild outreach […]