Which colors do we use for various church seasons and what do they symbolize? […]
Which colors do we use for various church seasons and what do they symbolize? […]
If I asked you to describe the sacrament of baptism, what adjectives would you choose[…]
It has been a tradition in the Church to bless chalk at the Masses for Epiphany, and then use the blessed chalk as part of blessing one’s home in the New Year […]
My parishioner, Ed, was an electrical engineer. During World War II he worked on a highly secret project involving long-wave radio technology. Later he learned the purpose of the technology he’d helped to perfect […]
Special seasonal interest on the altar helps to unite the time of year with the many church celebrations of the Episcopal church year […]
Epiphany is so soon after Christmas that often your plants are still usable. Epiphany asks for white and gold, a nice change after the reds of Christmas, but any color goes since the liturgical one is green. It’s a good season to train new, and veteran, members […]
For me the most joyous years are those when Advent I is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. At Washington National Cathedral, after turkey dinners and turkey soup, we dismantle all of the golds and oranges and reds, replacing them with […]
The name candle comes from the Latin candere meaning “to shine.” While no date can be definitely pinned down for the development of the first candle, accounts of their use date back to ancient times with Biblical references as early as the 10th century BC […]