I asked Bishop Rob O’Neil to lead a retreat for those in the ordination process. During his time with us, he said something that I have been praying over ever since. He said, “Community is excruciating”[…]
I asked Bishop Rob O’Neil to lead a retreat for those in the ordination process. During his time with us, he said something that I have been praying over ever since. He said, “Community is excruciating”[…]
If I asked you to describe the sacrament of baptism, what adjectives would you choose[…]
Over the years we moved a lot. I couldn’t help noticing things that were the same in various churches and things that were different or unique in each place. And the symbols — what did they mean; why were they there […]
Archbishop Williams identifies the elements essential to Christian life, those things that make one part of a Christian community. He sees the four most obvious as Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer […]
You are the preparers and keepers and transmitters of some of the coolest stuff we have in The Episcopal Church […]
My greatest joy serving in the office and role of bishop is to bring children deeper into our worship. What I find, more often than not, is they will teach me, long before I can teach them […]
What is the protocol for using colored embroidery on linens? Where should the inscription go on vessels or paraments? Send us your questions and we’ll find the answers […]
The Episcopal Church’s most important liturgical season is the one that starts on Shrove Tuesday and ends on Easter Sunday — filled with liturgical music, altar flowers (or lack thereof), vestments and altar cloths that reflect the passion, suffering, mystery and, ultimately, the ecstasy of the Christ […]
NAGA Service Ministries makes and sends stoles to our chaplains in the Armed Forces. Chaplain David Duprey, who received a set while in Afghanistan, wrote “We are isolated out here, not only from the larger body of believers in Christ, but also from our own mother church. Those stoles were a tether for me […]”
The name candle comes from the Latin candere meaning “to shine.” While no date can be definitely pinned down for the development of the first candle, accounts of their use date back to ancient times with Biblical references as early as the 10th century BC […]