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Browsing all articles tagged with meditation

Being a postulant and seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary is an incredible journey that integrates study, formation, and practical experience, shaping my understanding of ordained ministry as an embodiment of the sacraments[…]

I was caught off guard when I joined the team as to how spiritual it is to serve on the Flower Guild […]

“For it is better to suffer for doing good if suffering should be God’s will than to suffer for doing evil.” Could suffering ever be God’s will? […]

Toward the end of The House at Pooh Corner Christopher Robin tells Pooh that what he likes doing best is “nothing.” Most of us don’t have the time to do just nothing as we might have done as children. Perhaps, though we should make the time to do it […]

If I asked you to describe the sacrament of baptism, what adjectives would you choose[…]

Who has not experienced a deep nurturing of his or her spirit by an interaction with nature, awed at the beauty or drama of lightning and thunder, and recognized the glory and power of God? Bob Flanagan shows us how nature is a teacher in our growth process […]

Recently I was asked “Do you still do needlepoint?” The next question was “Why?” This started me thinking — why, indeed, do I still do canvaswork when I now am a senior citizen with the usual arthritic aches and pains, especially in my hands […]

Archbishop Williams identifies the elements essential to Christian life, those things that make one part of a Christian community. He sees the four most obvious as Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer […]

Many of us use a daily reading as part of our Lenten observation. Here are a few suggestions for Lent and Easter […]

Watch for the Light offers a cross section of literature tied together by the recurring themes of Advent, expectancy and watchfulness […]

Robert Sibley recalls his own camino experiences in this travel memoir…Like many pilgrims, he wanted to escape the ruts and routines of everyday life […]

Weaving literature and experience, Father Rohr shows how the search for meaning has been a constant, and that only through struggle is a transformation achieved […]

Bishop Charleston would not be surprised at the readers who read his book as I did, grasping — no, gasping — for entries most significant, finally settling down to quiet contemplation of each meditation […]

Father, to Thee I raise my whole being —a vessel emptied of self. Accept, Lord, this my emptiness, and so fill me with Thyself […]

“The beauty of holiness” is a familiar phrase to most Episcopalians. Keynote speaker, Sr. Suzanne Elizabeth from the Community of St. John Baptist explores the meaning of these words and how they shape our lives […]

The joy I found in The Eyes of the Heart was so uplifting that I kept reading passages over and over […]

It is not true that creation and the human family are doomed to destruction and loss…Let us enter Advent in hope, even hope against hope […]

Here is the root trouble of our lives. We all love life, but the moment we try to hold it, we miss it. The fact that things change and move and flow is their life […]

The tradition of Christian icons began in the Roman catacombs of the early church, with roots that can be traced back to Egyptian sarcophagus portraits. An icon represents the Word of God as image; it is theology depicted in line and color, and is therefore called icon “writing” […]

When we offer ourselves to serve at the altar, we are offering ourselves to God as a living prayer. The sun is up by the time I begin the Great Thanksgiving, but my prayer does not end with the Amen; it continues with the awareness of God’s love and offering myself through the day […]

A meditation from Anthony deMello’s “Book of Spiritual Exercises” [..]