I was caught off guard when I joined the team as to how spiritual it is to serve on the Flower Guild […]
I was caught off guard when I joined the team as to how spiritual it is to serve on the Flower Guild […]
Dolores Miller, March 19, 1932 – January 28, 2019
We pay tribute to a dedicated member of NAGA in an article by Peggy Curlin and Homily by The Rev. Philip G. Emanuel […]
Working with The Right Reverent Carl Wright, we have given Military Chaplain’s stoles an entirely new look. We need volunteers to help sew these stoles. Materials are provided in a kit with detailed instructions[…]
The Episcopal Asset Map is a website that highlights the many ways Episcopalians are living Christ’s love in our communities and in the world […]
Imagine how it would be to find yourself on a barge or a freighter on Christmas morning without your family and the joy of opening gifts […]
Questions are often asked regarding the need for or purpose of a diocesan altar guild. You will be surprised how many resources you can provide […]
The spirit in which your altar guild lives ripples out to affect the feel of the whole congregation […]
While it may seem surprising that our church is thriving in a country where religion has been suppressed, there are 44 Episcopal churches across Cuba, from the Cathedral in Havana to simple house churches with five to six people[…]
You are the preparers and keepers and transmitters of some of the coolest stuff we have in The Episcopal Church […]
Bishop Magness, the Suffragan Bishop for Federal Ministries mentioned that he would like stoles for the chaplains serving in combat zones to be made of a camouflage fabric that was washable […]
When you get pushed up against life’s wall, it doesn’t much matter whether you eat meat on Friday, can recite the Apostles Creed, or worry about the theological differences around Holy Communion […]
Most altar guilds share the problems of recruiting, training and retaining members and are increasingly venturing beyond their sacristies to bring the altar guild ministry into the congregation […]
What is the protocol for using colored embroidery on linens? Where should the inscription go on vessels or paraments? Send us your questions and we’ll find the answers […]
The Mission Supply Ministry assists parishes in financial need to make linens at low cost, or to guide you in making or repairing other vestments and paraments […]
The recruitment and retention of new altar guild members is always a challenge. We are pleased to offer some suggestions, thanks to Province VII, that may prove helpful […]
Most of us are blessed to be able to worship with lovely linens and vestments, but some parishes are unable to provide altar linens at all. NAGA’s Mission Supply Ministry supplies altar linens to parishes in need […]
Little Dresses for Africa sends dresses for girls up to 9-years-old living in orphanages in Malawi and other parts of Central Africa where the need is huge. The patterns are not complicated […]
A school friend of mine once jokingly remarked that it was not until he was a teenager that he learned that all girls were not named either Mary Martha or Martha Mary! Both of these women have places in our liturgical calendar and are honored by the church […]
NAGA Service Ministries makes and sends stoles to our chaplains in the Armed Forces. Chaplain David Duprey, who received a set while in Afghanistan, wrote “We are isolated out here, not only from the larger body of believers in Christ, but also from our own mother church. Those stoles were a tether for me […]”
The DAG Sewing Room in California began some sixty years ago and was a major source of church furnishings. The sewing room continues today, offering a helping hand to parishes in need of linens, or just design assistance […]
As summer ends, it is a good time to collect dry material in the fields for use as fillers during the fall and winter. This is also a good time to recruit new members […]
Would you like to stitch kneelers for your church? There is no joy to compare with putting our own work down in the church, to be there long after we are gone […]
I was asked to design a more modern and up-to-date stole for our chaplains, and I believe it is our calling to support the men and women putting their lives on the line for us. I would like to compile a list of sewers […]