Which colors do we use for various church seasons and what do they symbolize? […]
Which colors do we use for various church seasons and what do they symbolize? […]
After the 8 a.m. service on November 21, 2020, the Eucharistic Minister noticed a hole in the corner of the green frontal […]
The first half of the liturgical year is a mad dash — and nobody knows this more than the altar guild. But once the summer schedule is done and you’ve put up the green frontal, you can pour yourself a glass of wine […]
‘How do I go forth and spread the good news?’ ‘How has the Holy Spirit guided me in my ministry?’ ‘Does the way I live show forth my belief and relationship with God?’ […]
We have been sold on the idea that getting our house, or sacristy, clean requires products that are harsh or even downright dangerous, but it’s not true […]
The Episcopal Church’s most important liturgical season is the one that starts on Shrove Tuesday and ends on Easter Sunday — filled with liturgical music, altar flowers (or lack thereof), vestments and altar cloths that reflect the passion, suffering, mystery and, ultimately, the ecstasy of the Christ […]
Special seasonal interest on the altar helps to unite the time of year with the many church celebrations of the Episcopal church year […]
Designing flower arrangements for our altars is a very special call. But when communion is being served, the celebrant and others need room to bless and administer the sacrament without interference from the arrangements around it […]
Epiphany is so soon after Christmas that often your plants are still usable. Epiphany asks for white and gold, a nice change after the reds of Christmas, but any color goes since the liturgical one is green. It’s a good season to train new, and veteran, members […]
For me the most joyous years are those when Advent I is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. At Washington National Cathedral, after turkey dinners and turkey soup, we dismantle all of the golds and oranges and reds, replacing them with […]
Summer ends and the majority of the flowers fade. Now is the time to collect seedpods, grasses with plumes and leaves […]