Being a postulant and seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary is an incredible journey that integrates study, formation, and practical experience, shaping my understanding of ordained ministry as an embodiment of the sacraments[…]
Being a postulant and seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary is an incredible journey that integrates study, formation, and practical experience, shaping my understanding of ordained ministry as an embodiment of the sacraments[…]
It was a beautiful Sunday morning as I entered the small church for the first time holding hands with my 7- and 4-year-old daughters[…]
A Manual For Altar Guilds by The Rev. Robert Picken is a wonderfully funny and in-depth look at what it really means to be a “minister of the altar guild”[…]
In the days we had together, the ladies learned to assemble an embroidery frame and start the first motif in the Guild’s instructional book. We continue to meet monthly […]
In the new normal, healthcare facilities are making informed decisions to retain some of the visitor restrictions for their patients and our fragile parishioners continue to have limited access to Eucharist […]
A hush in every sacristy, just before we leave it to begin the service. The verger runs through how we will proceed, who will administer bread and where, who will administer wine. Then all stand at attention. It is time to begin […]
I once overheard an altar guild training. The leader was reminding our new members that the same care must be taken with the linens used for the home communion taken to sick and shut-in members of the parish […]
Since 1995, Ron DelBene, a priest in the Diocese of Alabama, has served as interim rector in small, medium and large congregations for periods of six months to three years […]
While each diocese will have its own particular ideas and needs, our guidelines offer a place to begin. Embrace your DAG with enthusiasm knowing that the Lord himself will guide you along the way […]
Questions are often asked regarding the need for or purpose of a diocesan altar guild. You will be surprised how many resources you can provide […]
Our little parish in Texas was able to foster an interest and gain new team members by inviting the children to help us. Later, several asked me “What exactly did you do?” […]
The spirit in which your altar guild lives ripples out to affect the feel of the whole congregation […]
While it may seem surprising that our church is thriving in a country where religion has been suppressed, there are 44 Episcopal churches across Cuba, from the Cathedral in Havana to simple house churches with five to six people[…]
You are the preparers and keepers and transmitters of some of the coolest stuff we have in The Episcopal Church […]
Most altar guilds share the problems of recruiting, training and retaining members and are increasingly venturing beyond their sacristies to bring the altar guild ministry into the congregation […]