One of the happiest of ministries is that of wedding guild, but our work would not be possible without the assistance and cooperation of the altar guild […]
One of the happiest of ministries is that of wedding guild, but our work would not be possible without the assistance and cooperation of the altar guild […]
Wedding flowers at the altar or chapel are an important statement for wedding ceremonies. When you first meet with the bride and groom or partners to discuss the church flowers for their wedding, be sure to ask three important questions […]
Weddings can be the most exciting and frustrating times in the lives of couples about to be married. They can also be the most exciting and frustrating times in the lives of altar guilds, particularly if the parish doesn’t have a “wedding customary” […]
A church wedding is not primarily a social occasion but a service of congregational worship. The center of the service is God, not the couple, and the music selected for the occasion needs to reflect the majesty of God […]