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Browsing all articles tagged with lent

Their quiet, faithful work is the foundation of our worship, making it possible for the congregation to experience the beauty, reverence, and continuity of our sacred rituals. This is the altar guild — a ministry of care, faithfulness, and dedication[…]

I was caught off guard when I joined the team as to how spiritual it is to serve on the Flower Guild […]

Toward the end of The House at Pooh Corner Christopher Robin tells Pooh that what he likes doing best is “nothing.” Most of us don’t have the time to do just nothing as we might have done as children. Perhaps, though we should make the time to do it […]

You don’t expect it to happen at “Gentle Yoga,” of all places. But the other day, as I was standing in line at the YMCA waiting for another class to end […]

Many of us use a daily reading as part of our Lenten observation. Here are a few suggestions for Lent and Easter […]

The lenten spring shines forth,
the flower of repentance!
Let us cleanse ourselves from all evil […]

Two prayers for Lent […]

The Episcopal Church’s most important liturgical season is the one that starts on Shrove Tuesday and ends on Easter Sunday — filled with liturgical music, altar flowers (or lack thereof), vestments and altar cloths that reflect the passion, suffering, mystery and, ultimately, the ecstasy of the Christ […]

NAGA Service Ministries makes and sends stoles to our chaplains in the Armed Forces. Chaplain David Duprey, who received a set while in Afghanistan, wrote “We are isolated out here, not only from the larger body of believers in Christ, but also from our own mother church. Those stoles were a tether for me […]”

Do you have an ordination coming up and want to make a present? What could be better than a stole? It doesn’t matter if you cross-stitch, needlepoint, embroidery, weave or paint, or quilt […]

Epiphany is so soon after Christmas that often your plants are still usable. Epiphany asks for white and gold, a nice change after the reds of Christmas, but any color goes since the liturgical one is green. It’s a good season to train new, and veteran, members […]