I asked Bishop Rob O’Neil to lead a retreat for those in the ordination process. During his time with us, he said something that I have been praying over ever since. He said, “Community is excruciating”[…]
I asked Bishop Rob O’Neil to lead a retreat for those in the ordination process. During his time with us, he said something that I have been praying over ever since. He said, “Community is excruciating”[…]
Our Triennial Meeting includes a number of workshops and excursions […]
I come from a long line of pastors, mostly Presbyterian with an occasional Episcopalian to leaven the loaf. My maternal grandmother was given a recipe for communion bread […]
In the new normal, healthcare facilities are making informed decisions to retain some of the visitor restrictions for their patients and our fragile parishioners continue to have limited access to Eucharist […]
Just a few weeks before the beginning of General Convention, NAGA was asked to help with Eucharist services for the House of Bishops and House of Deputies. NAGA went into scramble mode to obtain items needed for the Eucharist stations […]
As a “Free Range Priest,” offering supply coverage primarily for Sunday services only in parishes in two adjacent dioceses, I have a deep appreciation for the ministry of the altar guild in churches I visit […]
On December 10, 2021, I received several emails from my NAGA board colleagues inquiring about my safety. Within a few minutes I remembered my Sacristy Shop hat and our Emergency Communion Kits […]
An act of spiritual communion is a phrase which is probably unfamiliar to many. This is a devotional act which may be used on occasions when we are unable to receive Holy Communion […]
The Central Florida DAG has been preparing the wafers for distribution at the Drive-Thru each week — directions included […]
I once overheard an altar guild training. The leader was reminding our new members that the same care must be taken with the linens used for the home communion taken to sick and shut-in members of the parish […]
Altar guild members from across the Diocese of Colorado gathered together in what was the first-in-a-very-long-time, if not the first-ever, gathering of altar guilds in this Diocese […]
When a disaster rolls in, make sure your altar guild is ready! No matter what kind of disaster looms, when it strikes, not only do you lose your personal things, so too does your parish […]
The National Association of Diocesan Altar Guilds had its beginnings over 50 years ago, when, at the 1919 Convention held in Detroit, the National Council of the Episcopal Church was formed […]
A form of servant ministry that is a good fit with Maundy Thursday worship is the washing and drying of dirty clothes. “Laundry Love,” a ministry begun in an Episcopal congregation in Ventura, CA […]
Archbishop Williams identifies the elements essential to Christian life, those things that make one part of a Christian community. He sees the four most obvious as Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer […]
We talk about natural disasters and the damages they cause to churches and their sacristies. But what if the disaster is man made? No piles of storm-tossed linens, no dented or missing silver vessels, just nothing… nothing at all with which to prepare a liturgical church altar for a communion service […]