As NAGA president I have seen how so much of the learning, doing, and teaching of altar guild is generously shared. I see an altar guild “how to” question on Facebook, a group chat, or an e-mail and immediately there are many answers, suggestions, and experiences on how to clean, repair, reuse, gift, etc.
Different teams on same guilds might set up slightly differently from each other, and different priests have different ideas as to what should go on the altar and what on the credence table. Not right or wrong, just different. The bottom line…we have bread and wine, our faith is well, our sight is good, and we are followers of Jesus, striving to do the best we can with the best we have to serve God’s people this holy meal. If it is not “perfect” as we see it, it’s perfect in God’s presence and we will be fed.
I am personally grateful for all who have taught and shepherded me along the way, and I am so proud of the many who work to support each other in our craft!
Highlights from Epistle
A Manual for Altar Guilds
A Manual for Altar Guilds by The Rev. Robert Picken is a wonderfully funny and in-depth look at what it really means to be a “minister of the altar guild”…
The Quiet Ministry
Their quiet, faithful work is the foundation of our worship, making it possible for the congregation to experience the beauty, reverence, and continuity of our sacred rituals. This is the altar guild — a ministry of care, faithfulness, and dedication….
Homily from Morning Prayer
What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches…
Did you ever jump in a pile of leaves as a child? That fluffy mound of red, orange, and brown practically begs children everywhere to take a running leap and jump[…]
Community is Excruciating
I asked Bishop Rob O’Neil to lead a retreat for those in the ordination process. During his time with us, he said something that I have been praying over ever since. He said, “Community is excruciating”…
Connect with NAGA
Seeking NAGA Representative for Province IX (Central & South America). For more information, contact David Hawley-Lowry.
Contribute to a History of NAGA: In 2006 Barbara Gent researched and wrote a book spanning 73 years of NAGA’s history. Now, a second volume of NAGA history and the future of altar guild is in its infancy. We welcome any suggestions for inclusion in this work. Click here to read more.
Disaster Communion Kits. Should fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake or epidemic leave your parish unable to host Eucharist, NAGA will provide a free Disaster Communion Kit. If you need a kit, please contact Joan Konecny (or 936-870-5781). Click here for a video on how to assemble them.
Order your Epistle in living color. Members can receive their Epistle by email. Just send your e-mail address to Martha Noble.
Share your insights with others. We are happy to share your altar guild newsletter on our website. Please send a PDF of the current issue to our webmaster Betty Hinchman.
Who’s Who? Who are your current Provincial and Diocesan Altar Guild Directors? Please send current contact information to Martha Noble or David Hawley-Lowry.