A form of servant ministry that is a good fit with Maundy Thursday worship is the washing and drying of dirty clothes. “Laundry Love,” a ministry begun in an Episcopal congregation in Ventura, CA […]
A form of servant ministry that is a good fit with Maundy Thursday worship is the washing and drying of dirty clothes. “Laundry Love,” a ministry begun in an Episcopal congregation in Ventura, CA […]
If you do it right, and faithfully, your silver will require little or no polishing for long periods of time […]
The spirit in which your altar guild lives ripples out to affect the feel of the whole congregation […]
What is the protocol for using colored embroidery on linens? Where should the inscription go on vessels or paraments? Send us your questions and we’ll find the answers […]
One of the most comprehensive and informative workshops held at our Triennial in Indianapolis was conducted by Alice Scarbrough who discussed all aspects of linen construction, maintenance and stewardship […]
We have been sold on the idea that getting our house, or sacristy, clean requires products that are harsh or even downright dangerous, but it’s not true […]
As suppliers of fine quality textile appointments since 1789, Wippell has enormous experience in handling all sorts of fabrics, trimmings and embellishments, and we pass on the stewardship of these various pieces to the altar guild team, who care for them in a most generous way […]