One of the most comprehensive and informative workshops held at our Triennial in Indianapolis was conducted by Alice Scarbrough who discussed all aspects of linen construction, maintenance and stewardship […]
One of the most comprehensive and informative workshops held at our Triennial in Indianapolis was conducted by Alice Scarbrough who discussed all aspects of linen construction, maintenance and stewardship […]
Bishop Charleston would not be surprised at the readers who read his book as I did, grasping — no, gasping — for entries most significant, finally settling down to quiet contemplation of each meditation […]
Father, to Thee I raise my whole being —a vessel emptied of self. Accept, Lord, this my emptiness, and so fill me with Thyself […]
“The beauty of holiness” is a familiar phrase to most Episcopalians. Keynote speaker, Sr. Suzanne Elizabeth from the Community of St. John Baptist explores the meaning of these words and how they shape our lives […]
Eudora Welty’s Home Place seems just the right book for those of us who love flowers and who are contented with the simple garden made beautiful by that love […]