The lighting of candles in worship goes back over 3,000 years into the history of ancient Israel. Not only do the Eucharistic lights, for example, symbolize the dual divinity and humanity of Christ, they also provide illumination of the missal and the Altar. But can do you do with all those old candle stubs?1
1. Think of sharing them. If they still have some length (7 or 8”) find a parish or mission that could use them.1
2. If you have a mission trip out of the country consider bringing them along. Remote villages in Haiti or Honduras would be delighted to receive them.1
3. Bring one to a shut-in with a note: “This candle burned during services at________. It has heard all the beautiful hymns sung and prayers said. May the peace of God’s presence represented in this candle’s light be present in your home as well.” (I regret to say I do not remember which church this wonderful idea came from.)1
4. Stubs could be melted down and made into new candles and used for the same purpose or perhaps as a fund raiser to defray the cost of new candles.1
5. If you have wax molds of Christian symbols, melt the candles and mold them into something new — either as gifts or as fund-raisers. Aquia Church in Stafford, VA makes angel ornaments with the remnants of beeswax candles carrying a tag that reads: “This blessed angel was lovingly recycled from beeswax candles used on the Holy Altar of Aquia Church.”